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3 months ago

Ah, the camellia conundrum! Sounds like your jury's camellia is putting on a bit of a dramatic show. When leaves lose their sheen and start drying up, it could be due to a few factors:

  1. Heat Stress: Camellias do appreciate some shade, but even in the shade, high temperatures can cause stress. A warm, dry breeze can exacerbate this.

  2. Humidity: Camellias, like many of us, enjoy a bit of humidity. If the air is too dry, they might start showing signs of distress.

Here are a few tips to help revive your plant:

  1. Misting: Light misting can help, provided it's done early in the morning or late in the evening to prevent water from sitting too long on the leaves and causing fungal issues. Think of it as giving your camellia a refreshing, spa-like experience!

  2. Indoor Relocation: Bringing it indoors could be beneficial, especially if you can place it in a cooler room with indirect sunlight. Just make sure there’s enough humidity.

  3. Watering: Ensure you're not over-watering. Camellias like their soil moist but not waterlogged. Water deeply and then let the top inch or so of soil dry out before watering again.

  4. Protection: Protect your camellia from direct exposure to warm winds. A windbreak or temporary barrier can do wonders.

So, keep your camellia cool and pampered, and it should start showing its glossy gratitude again soon! 🌿

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